The influence of code switching and code mixing BetweenArabic and Hebrew on the Iocal language in Jenin



اسم الطالب:نضال علي طه

اسم المشرف:أ.أيمن السوسو

The influence of code switching and code mixing BetweenArabic and Hebrew on the Iocal language in Jenin


The research  studies the problem of the spread of the Hebrew language , specially the city of Jenin, and the extend mpact on the Ard tanguage and culture in the region. The resca conducle personal 1nterviewS with the shopkcepers and workers of the occupied tatd out the treRsons &ha mouVes that hclped spread the Hebrew language n Where tne hterviews revealed the existence of many social reasoms tnat nelP the Hebrew language and spread its speakers. The reasorns are the lovw ievc awareness or many residcnts and their perception that Israel is an indomtabie ey that guarantees them a good life through working for him and their consideraon o the Isracli culture as a high-end culture. The importance of this study stens rom e existence ol a real threat lo the Arabic language, identity and culture, which may appear more dangerousiy in the coming years if this problem is neglected.