The problem Of Overcroweded Classrooms in Learning English as Foreigen Language in Secondary Schools of Yatta City

اسم الطالب: ابراهيم فيصل موسى الهريني

اسم المشرف:أ.هدايات أبو الهوى


The problem Of Overcroweded Classrooms in Learning English as Foreigen Language in Secondary Schools of Yatta City


The globalization of English language has led to significant growth in the enrollment of students who elther study English as a second or foreign language from various non-English speaking countries. At secondary school level, this has led to increase the number and size of large clasSes. This descriptive study mainly aims at identitying the problems that English students at the secondary schools of Yatta city tace while learning in overcrowded classes of about 0-40 learners and the strategies they empioy to achieve specifiC Outcomes in the English classroom. So, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of large classes on EFL eaching and learninE. a questonnaire Was designed and conducted with 80 EFL student.

Besides, there was classroom oDServation with the students. The results of the research nstrument revealed that noise making, assess ment, student-teacher interactions and lack of pace are the most common problems. Based on the results, our hypothesis was confirmed; EFL learning should be caried in reauced Classes or no more than 25 students per class so as to eate successful EFL enwironment.