The Impact of Learning Style and Academic Performance Of English as  foreign Language on the students of the AL Istiqlal University

اسم الطالب:خالد الظاهر

اسم المشرف:أ.هدايات أبو الهوى


The Impact of Learning Style and Academic Performance Of English as  foreign Language on the students of the AL Istiqlal University


Learning style plays crueial roles in finding some ways to develop and facilitate the process ot learning Englisi; students involvement bascd on variety of mechanisms has recently received momentum cducation. In line with this, the study artempted to nvestigate the impact ot learning siyle and academie performance ol English as  foreign language on the students of A1-Istiqlal Lniversity n order to obtain the research resulls, we rely on the quantitative methodology, so As to folloW up and observe the student perspeetive towLrd the impact of learning style  academic perfomance ol English as foreign language. hus, The dala were Colected  through 2 23-tem questionnaire which was distriuled among so students at A-lstiqlal Universily.

This study was conluetcad at A-SUglal vers11y, at ie Chd ol the tirst senester ol the 2018-2019 academic years. It cmployed a quantitati ve approach of dlala collection and analysis.

The lindings reveulCd that purticipants hadd iu posiive alitide towards the mpact of learning style and dcademic periorilnce ot hgish as oreign languuge on the stiudents of Al-lstiqlal Universty trom e pont ot VIew or the students, und there are o sigmlicant dillerences t t0 0 Cadcts pereopdn ot the impuet of