Improving the learning Environment for English Major at Al Istiqlal University


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Improving the learning Environment for English Major at Al Istiqlal University

Teaching English language in Palestine remains a challenge in spite of good language planning, curriculum design, appropriate textbooks and infrastructura facilities as well as efficient and qualified teachers. This paper identiies possible factors that impede or motivate learning of the English language at Alial University program. A survey was conducted for cadets A-Istiqlal university during the 2016/2017 academie year. Tne study sample  62 cadets
from both male and female cadets at Al-Istiqlal University 1m the department of Sudges. This paper reveals the factors that intuence cadets motivation forngg These factors comprise of diverse Iactors relared with classrooment, teachers behavior, usage ot encctve and modem teachingdologies as well as students own motivation lor learning. The experiment had a positive outcome.