اسم الطالب:روز عماد

اسم المشرف:أ.هدايات أبو الهوى


Learning English as a foreign language by Arab students


The present study titled as “learning English as a foreign language by Arab students “ explains the problems that arab students face through the process of learning English language . the study aims to help students overcome the challenges they face in learning English language .it also looks into the roots for the problems in learning English language . this study is qualitative study and the methodology used in it is related studies . the researcher referred to many previous and related studies and books which were conducted on the same subject about the problems that arab students face and common mistakes and errors they do while learning . the researcher analyzed the reasons behind the problem in chapter three .she gave some practical piecec of advice for students to overcome the problem. In the last chapter the researcher wrote recommendations related to both students and English teachers .