اسم الطالب: أحمد ريان هشام

اسم المشرف:د.نوال الشيخ


 The difficulties of learning English Grammars FOR (EFL):
The conditional Sentences

This project deals with the difficulties of learning English grammar for (EFL) : the conditional sentences .
The project aims to identify these difficulties , and show the students how to overcome these difficulties with easy techniques after the students understands the meaning of conditional sentences and recognize every types of these sentences.
The researcher divides this project to four chapters .The first chapter is an
introduction about the topic .The second one includes previous studies and research .
The third one presents the instrument of the study that is a diagnostic test . It consists
of four different questions with multiple choice and correct the verb in brackets , also
rewrite these sentences. The sample consist of (20) students from the sophomore of
English major cadets at AL-ISTIQLAL University.
Based on statistic analysis of the test's results , the researcher will give suggestions
on how to help students avoid these difficulties in the fourth chapter .