اسم الطالب: معاذ زكارنة

اسم المشرف:د.مصطفى زيد

Covid 19 and online teaching in undergraduate Education: A Case Study of the English Department’s Students  at Al Istiqlal university

The Corona epidemic has swept most countries of the world, According to UNESCO statistics (1), more  than 1.5 billion children and youth in 188 countries around the globe have to stay home due to the closure of schools and higher education institutions following the Corona virus outbreak. Many countries have shifted from traditional face-to-face methods to E-learning in the light of the new states of emergency. Humans have the right to continue education in times of crisis, disaster, and violence. This is based on the assumption that each student is treated with equity and has access to education, which is not quite in consistence with the reality on the ground, especially in developing countries. Many countries have long used E-learning in emergency situations, including Palestine, Syria, Afghanistan, and South of Africa (2-4). Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) is not usually planned in advance and involves a sudden shift from traditional teaching into a remote one in view of emergency situations like the outbreak of Corona virus in different countries. (Affouneh, Salha, Khlaif 2020).
And distance learning (Open Distance Learning ODL) or Online learning (OnlinE-learning OL) is a type of learning that has long been talked about and argued about the need to integrate it into the educational process; Before the Corona pandemic, however, it became an alternative and an urgent necessity to continue education in conditions that impose physical distancing, and Koumi (2006) believes that E-learning came as a result of technological developments, especially after the educational process was directly affected by the automation of industry and the development of “artificial intelligence” technology ( Artificial Intelligence) and the "Internet of Things", as well as the information technology revolution that entered the classroom and became an integral part of it.
But due to the conditions that the whole world suffers from at the present time represented by the spread of the Corona virus, educational institutions suddenly found themselves forced to switch to distance learning to ensure the continuity of the teaching and learning process, and to use the Internet, smart phones and computers to communicate remotely with students (Yulia, 2020) ).
Al-Istiqlal University is one of the Palestinian universities that went through the experience of E-learning in light of the Corona crisis, but the E-learning process did not undergo an evaluation process to measure its effectiveness, and this study came to measure the effectiveness of E-learning in light of the spread of the Corona virus from the viewpoint of language students English.