Erasmus+ Mobility Program and its impact on students at Higher Education Institutions In Palestinian Universities: Benefits and Challenges


اسم الطالب:فواز ماهر أبو مويس

اسم المشرف:د.نوال الشيخ

Erasmus+ Mobility Program and its impact on students at Higher Education Institutions In Palestinian Universities: Benefits and Challenges

The study aims to achieve he following objectives: identify the Psychological problems facing Students who are abroad. Demonstrate the academic problems facing students who are studying abroad, Identify the Cultural and religious problems racing students who are abroad. Detecting The economic problems facing students who are abroad.

In the current study, the researcher 1ollowed the descriptive analytical approach, where the described the phenomenon in an accurate description by the mobility program affect university students and the main. Challenges they face.

A random sample was targeted from scholarship students abroad, with a Sample number (20) from scholarship students abroad.

The results:

1.e Teels upset and depressed as a result of being away from hs tamily.

He doesn't lack self- reliance and confidence.

. He faces challenges during registries

Organizing student entertainment programs and activities so that the
alienation gap that negatively affects performance and achievement


Providing an integrated university housing or the supplies super are


He university administrator in coordination with the embassies.