اسم الطالب:عبد الوهاب مهنى

اسم المشرف:د.مصطفى زيد



The tem resistance has been used by scholars to describe a wide variety of actions and behaviors of human social life in all its manifestations (individual, collective, and institutional) and in a number of different settings, including political systems, entertainment and literature.

The desire to fight back imperialist domination and penetration, although his might come wrapped up in valid forms of 'culture" or 'civilization', is a basic human tendency. And it is this spirit of struggle which has kept another word relevant in this context- Resistance. As Eric Selbin says in Revolution Rebellion, Resistance: The Power of Story, " Resistance is a form of insurgency denoted by the refusal of people to cooperate actively with, or express support for,the current regime or authority figures; even when it may appear passive, it is an activity, an action'(11). Resistance can be both open (i.e. Overt), and indirect (or Covert), as Jocelyn Hollander and Rachel Einwohner have pointed out.

Almost all Resistance movements down the centuries have depended on Covert resistance, side by side with armed, open rebellion, to achieve their ends. Art (literature, music, paintings) has often served as a site of struggle; serving the interests of the people in their fight against a culture which insists that they should be robbed. This project paper aims to study how music and painting can serve as forceful tools of Covert resistance, uniting people for a common cause, creating awareness regarding injustice, voicing uncomfortable truths fearlessly; and yet advocating non-violence and a peaceful path to solving the most contentious issues.